Please see my 4 LinkedIn articles on solving common conjoint issues.
- Richard D. Pollack, Ph.D., Owner of Advanced Analytic Solutions, Ronald K. Klimberg and Susan H. Boklage have published a magazine article titled, The True Cost of “Free” Statistical Software, in the following publication: ORMS Today by Lionheart Publishing Inc., Marietta, GA. (October, 2015).
- Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Siadh Who Respond to Fluid Restriction in the Management of Hyponatremia from a Global Registry (Poster Presentation); 4th author with Joseph Verbalis, MD, Susan Boklage and Joseph Chiodo III, at the joint meeting of the International Society of Endocrinology and The Endocrine Society: ICE/ENDO, Chicago, IL, June 22, 2014.
- Built (Winter, 2013) a predictive algorithm for a pharmaceutical mobile application.
- Invited address at Saint Joseph’s University’s Semiannual Business Intelligence Speaker Event on March 7, 2011 titled: Data Mining Challenges and Solutions.
- Sole author of a chapter titled, Data Mining: Common Definitions, Applications, and Misunderstandings, in the following book: Data Mining Methods and Applications by K. Lawrence, S. Kudyba, & R. Klimberg, Auerbach Publications, Boston, MA. (December, 2007). The book can be ordered online via
- Advanced Analytic Solutions and GFK MRI have partnered to sell MRI consumer syndicated research, including analytic services, on consumer ailments, remedies, and prescription drug usage. The data comes from a 26,000 person consumer panel, with nationwide coverage, and covers over 50 high-volume prescription drugs. All Ailment/Remedies/ Prescription Drugs data can be crossed within the vast MRI database to produce detailed demographic, media & product usage profiles, as well as valuable insights on the sufferers lifestyle and psychographic profile. For further information, please contact Richard Pollack or George Kronheimer.
- Sole author and speaker of a presentation titled: Dramatically Enhancing the ROI of Patient Level Data: Employing Under-Utilized Data Sources, at CBI‘s 4th Annual Forum on Anonymous Patient-Level Data and Analysis, Philadelphia, PA, on June 12, 2006. This presentation addressed how commonly available, yet under-utilized, external data sources add significant insight and marketability to patient level data.
- Richard D. Pollack, Ph.D., Owner of Advanced Analytic Solutions, was accepted as a Council member of the Gerson Lehrman Group in 2005. Members comprise an expert network that provides consulting services to a variety of industries. In October of 2006, Dr. Pollack, as a result of being ranked in the top 20% of Council members based upon the quality of his interactions with clients, received Gerson Lehrman Group Scholar status.
- Provided statistical support for: Wild Open Spaces: Why We Love Westerns, a book by Yardena Rand. Based on interviews with over 1,000 Western fans, the book describes the size and rich diversity of the audience, the top reasons why people love Westerns, and what it is about certain Westerns that makes them perennial favorites. The book is available in bookstores and can be ordered online via
- Joined the Decision and System Sciences Advisory Board of Saint Joseph’s University. The Board advises the Haub School of Business.